Sunday, October 30, 2011


Seakan aku tidak punya hak untuk merindukan
Rindu sedalam palung
Harta tak ternilai
Ibu pertiwi

Sering kulawan gundah
Kupasang topeng
Senyuman bayangan

Inikah rasa sendiri?
Beratnya memikul tanggung jawab?
Ingin kuberlari
Entah kemana, gurun sahara?
Demi sehenyak fatamorgana

Besar tidaklah cukup
Tua tidaklah matang
Air warna pelangi
Yang berkata menyejukkan hati
Melodi alunan seorang dewi

-Den Haag, 30 October 2011-

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Mata terbuka seiring dengan luka hati
Menganga lebar, berteriak, mencoba mengingatkan
Bahwa ada yang hilang dalam kehidupan
Ada lampu yang telah dipadamkan
Demi kebebasan sepasang burung merpati

Bertemu danau, aku hanya berenang dalam angan
Bertemu ombak, aku tenggelam dalam kecemasan
Kukorbankan ikatan demi seuntai bunga melati
Namun apakah ini yang aku inginkan?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dedicated to Javier

That poor little black guy
He was almost caught by the arms of darkness
If the angels were not there
To lift him up and showed their illuminance

He has pure white teeth and heart
Knowing what he needs to do, yet too tired to achieve it

That poor little black guy
Life has been taught him numerous things
Now, he is crying alone in the dark
Mourning one of the pearls of his life
Which would never ever go back again

That poor little black guy
With our little wings we can not bring you to fly around in the blue sky
Yet, we always spread it as your umbrella
And give you love and the beautiful lesson of a sincere human love

That poor little black guy
is wishing that that everything bad would be ended soon
the beautiful night will come again with its full moon
after tonight, I hope it will come soon

-Den Haag, 21/06/2011-

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My house is not a home

My house is a not a home

My house is not a home
When I can not do the things that I like
My house is not a home
When I find that the conversations are not suitable for my ears
My house is not a home
When the companions do not support me to reach my dreams
My house is not a home
When I always insisted to join the things that is not suited for my soul
My house is not a home
When it is hard for me to do the right things!!

Should I stay or should I run away?
I did talk but it vanished by a single blow
If I yelled, they would run and never come back
I do not want to be the bad guy
then I trapped and I can not get out

My house is not a home anymore
What should I do for it??

-Our home, 17/06/2011-

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The silent conversation

A boy is covering himself in the cold winter
As he starting to speak to his heart

"Could you tell me why you make me worry about future?"
"Too much making me become coward rather than just go for it"

Heart says,
"Ask your mind, I only speak on what you really need in this life."
Thus, it is starting to sleep again in its silence.

The boy asks his mind,
"Why you have to make me think about my abstract future? Is it really necessary?"
"I have seen people who worried to much. They were like just sitting in a rocking chair, it gave them something to think, but wouldn't direct them anywhere."
"Moreover, it collected the negative energy around them, attracted negative destiny"
"..and making them couldn't enjoy on what's around them and what's happening now."

Mind says,
"What I have here are your contemplation collections of your life observation."
"You have seen many people failed on the road, yet have seen they stood up again walking on the mountain."
"What I have here.. you control them.. I am you, I can do what you want me to do.."
"Sometimes I become very hard depend on how scared you are on something and how negative your paradigm."
"I think.. you don't need to reflect on other people's destiny that much."
"We have our own path, you can create your own miracle. Just believe, that you can, be patient, keep doing it. God loves those who fight for their dreams."

Boy says,
"You mean? Worrying or not? Scared or not? it's depend on me??"

Mind says,
"Depend on you and your heart.. You two should work together.. If you trust your heart, listen to it, believe it, and be strong whatever comes around. You will make it. I know you can, I have seen it in your deep peaceful eyes since long time ago. You always can be what you want you to be.."

Then the boy starts jumping from his cover, and walk outside the house.. As he ready for facing the world, again...

-Den Haag, 04/01/2011-